Busy Bodies

Busy Bodies is a 1933 short comedy film starring Laurel and Hardy.

Stan climbs a ladder to help him out, but the ladder topples over with them both on it. Down below, two men see the ladder falling towards them. One falls into some whitewash while the other hides in a shed, which proves to be a bad idea when the duo crash onto the shed, demolishing it. As Laurel helps Hardy out of the wreckage, there is a knocking from beneath the door. The man they help out proves to be their foreman, who was the one who sought cover in the shed. They beat a hasty retreat. The foreman would have run after them, but he was crowned by a small barrel that got kicked down the ventilator shaft and out the vent port. Attempting to flee, their car gets sawed in two lengthwise by a large band saw whilst they remain seated in it. The two fall out of the collapsing wreckage. Laurel finds the phonograph still intact and plays a record. Hardy is singularly unimpressed by music now, and chases Laurel.

Source: Wikipedia